Scanna MSC Inc

4370 S Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34231-3412

About Scanna MSC Inc

Scanna MSC is one of the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of specialist threat screening equipment for letterbomb, contraband and explosives detection. our key product focus is on portable x-ray equipment and postal x-ray equipment. Scanna products are used by Governments, Military, Police and Commercial organisations in over 80 countries throughout the world where the Scanna brand is recognised as providing reliability and performance at highly competitive prices.

Competitors of Scanna MSC Inc

USB-Lock-RP USB Lockdown Software for Enterprise


Advanced Systems International, sac was founded in 2004. Our team started development of its flagship security software product USB-Lock-RP from headquarters in Lima-Peru. USB-Lock-RP (Remote Protect) is Strong Endpoint Security Software, designed to protect organizations windows networks... Read More


Autoclear LLC

Autoclear specializes in the design and manufacture of Autoclear X-ray Screening and Scintrex Explosives and Narcotics Trace Detection Systems. We also manufacture CheckGate Walkthrough and HandWand Handheld Metal Detectors. Our mission is to ensure the safe, reliable, and cost-effective... Read More