Biometric Transponder Q 3007

Available from SimonsVoss Technologies
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Replace mechanical keys that can easily be copied and cause expensive re-keying when lost with this award-winning active, RF-based, biometric transponder. Up to six authorized fingerprints can be stored in the transponder. The user pushes the button and then smoothly swipes the finger across the sensor. If the fingerprint read matches one of the authorized fingerprints, the transponder unlocks the door or activates control of a wide range of equipment as authorized by the system administrator. If the transponder is lost or stolen, it can easily be disabled and a replacement issued without the expense of mechanical changes to the lock. And even if the loss is not discovered for some time, nobody but those with the authorized fingerprint can use it. Each transponder can be programmed to provide different levels of access at different times of day across multiple SimonsVoss lock systems.

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