Guard Tour Security Patrol System

Available from D3 Security
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D3 Guard Tour is a flexible, mobile technology solution used to capture all of the data generated from day to day security operations. That same data can then be used to identify incident hotspots, allocate resources effectively, manage assets and facilities, and generally optimize the physical security operation.

The D3 solution is deployed on a ruggedized pocket PC device that allows officers to record incident data, scan checkpoints, view operating procedures and dispatch notes, all while performing their duties out in the field. The data gathered is synchronized with D3’s web based Incident Reporting and Case Management software, and made available to decision-makers in the form of managerial reports, for complete cross-sectional analysis. The system automatically notifies the appropriate people in case of a serious incident and manages the approval process on an incident report between a security supervisor and one of his officers.

D3 Guard Tour includes a full featured security staff scheduling program. This allows management to schedule employees, assign routes and track staff effectiveness through coverage reports. Through a user-friendly, intuitive interface, Managers and Supervisors create and edit master and daily rosters. Front line staff are able to input self-initiated activities, providing a summary of each Guards daily duties.

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